Uruguay Leader of eGovernment Development in Region With Help of STATUM
According to the last index prepared by the United Nations, Uruguay maintains a leading position as the most developed Latin American country in terms of eGovernment.
The study, which analyzes 193 state members of the United Nations, ranks Uruguay 35 in the world, and 3 in the American continent just after United States and Canada.
In the region, the country has the first position and is followed by Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Costa Rica.
The twelfth edition of this survey, which is focused on the future of eGovernment, analyzes how policies and integrated services can be facilitated in the 193 state members of the United Nations.
The survey supports the efforts made by state members to offer effective, responsible and inclusive digital services for all citizens, stated the Agency for eGovernment, Information and Knowledge Society (Agesic as for its acronym in Spanish.)
The contribution made by STATUM has been crucial to achieve this goal. Apia Trámites platform has allowed multiple state agencies evolve in a transparent way and pursuant to the definitions and best practices of eGovernment.
The platform counts on payment gateways; schedule; traceability; representatives management; advanced digital signature; unique access per citizen; multiple signatures management; technical, legal and notary security; integration with gates; backoffice with case management; document management; automatic generation of documents; digital notifications and dynamic interaction with citizens; documentation; management indicators; usage analytics; and statistics.
The development of ApiaDocumentum for file management has been crucial for the advance of Uruguay towards eGovernment. This platform, developed by STATUM, allows strengthening the processes and administering the access to information, as well as digitalizing original files by creating a document stock, avoiding repeated copies and, thus, reducing the amount of paper to store and creating a more effective communication channel with state agencies.
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