The Public Administration has constant problems with regard to its processes' management and the information's organization. The tranformation and the modernization of the governmental organizations requires solutions which stregthen the institutions through the computerization of processes, the coordination between the different areas and the implementation of excellent systems of documents' management.
Apia provides a solution which helps the different public offices in their innovation and technologic reform projects improving the services' coverage and efficiency.
Choosing Apia to develop a good operation of institutions has the following advantages:
- Passage from paper format to the electronic expedient: Apia contributes to the elimination of the expedients in paper format creating and administrating electronically the different documentary forms. The whole volume of information filed in paper support is suppressed through the incorporation of digitalized reports which at the same time facillitate the tracing of documents and expedients through powerful search engines.
- Change in the organizational culture: the communication between the different sectors of the organization is strengthened and an innovator and more efficient way of working is implanted. Apia offers the possibility of generating processes or internal proceedings, presenting information and registering actions with autonomy. In addition to this, In addition to this, there must be mentioned the automation of work routines, the tasks' distribution and the correct arrival of documents to users, functionalities which simplify the monitoring and control of the activity. Besides, Apia defines processes, users' competences and work procedures in line with the organizational structure and the aims of the institution.
- Processes reengineering: processes are improved when the users' actions are organized and the corresponding responsibilities are assigned. The processes' systematization and organization provides a clear vision of them and improves the exchange of information between the different areas and people of the institution. The processes' execution is simplified and homogenized contributing to the work optimization and the development of a more efficient administration.
- Gradual passaje towards the e-government: Apia's implementation Apia's implementation helps the digitalization project of the Public Sector providing the necessary tools to encourage the technologic boost. Through the management computerization and a more professional use of the advantages that the Information Technologies offer, Apia turns into a vital solution to strengthen the institutions and accompany the processes of technologic reform of the Public Administration and the strategies of Electronic government.
- More efficient service for the population: as processes are improved and the actions are organized the services' rendering improves considerlably. The access to documents and information about the proceedings' situation favours the citizen's service and provides agile solutions in case of arising any inconvenient.
- Times and costs' reduction: Apia significantly the operative times and costs when performing a polished distribution of tasks demanding their fulfilment and avoiding that the user works on repeated tasks. Undoubtedly, this is translated in a reduction of the services' processing time and in a quicker answer to the citizens' demand.
Success case
The Central Bank of Uruguay implements Apia to carry out the project of institutional reform and digitalize the handling of information of the Bank, so that the service can be improved and the democratization of the information.
As it is a "bank of banks" this organization decided to start a reform processto improve the services and the internal way of working, in order to gain efficiency, agility and to put an end to the paper format of its processes and work flows. Besides, it required a system which allowed the communication with institutions external to the Bank and the population, guaranteeing the information safety y el uso de firma digital.