The management of the indebted is very important to any big company due to the amount of customers and the information that administrates. Banks are exposed to this situation every day. They put their greatest effort on that by giving credits to their customers but they take the risk that these will not do their part.
Generally, banks hire managers that are in charge of keeping an eye on the indebtors. However, many times financial entities are forced to transfer this kind of duties and to hire other companies, due to the amount of time required and the difficulty of the real payment of the debts.
Apia-Celeris was specially developed for the rational and systematic tracking of unpaid duties. It is a powerful tool that allows the organizations that issue credits to customers of any kind, to reduce the delinquency rate as much as possible and to collect in the minimum possible time the unpaid obligations.
Apia-Celeris is made up of five modules:
- Agenda
- Client
- Maintenance
- Clearing
- Information
How can a finance entity benefit from ApiaCeleris?
Reduction of the delinquency rate
For every enterprise that grants credits it is essential to have an efficient recovering structure. Apia-Celeris will allow your enterprise to reduce the recovering times of expired credits, to reduce the number of debtors, to maximize the recovering possibilities as well as contributing to a better development of the credit area as a whole. Apia-Celeris will help your organization to reduce the impact of delinquent and uncollectible customers in the global result of the organization. Also, through the analysis of historical information, it will enrich the Risk evaluation processes, contributing this way to minimize the delinquency percentage in the future credit operations.
Management’s improvement
Apia-Celeris has been designed to optimize the functioning of the Credits Recovering sectors in medium and big financial institutions. Through its intuitive and easy-to-handle interface, it will help the Debt Collectors Managers in their daily activities, organizing and expediting the processes, reducing times and proactively suggesting new activities that contribute to improve the recovering possibilities. This way, speeding up the management, the Credit Recovering area will improve the quality of the delivered service, will reduce costs and will contribute efficiently to the achievement of the global business goals of the organization.
Documentation management
With Apia-Celeris all the documentation related to the overdue credits recovering process is stored in an efficient and secure way. The Debt Collectors Managers will have an allied that will help them to expedite and improve your recovering ratios. At the same time, the organization will have at its disposal a centralized repository with all the recovering processes, their states, the people in charge, times and associated actions. The system will remind the Debt Collectors Managers the key dates in which notifications must be sent to the debtors, will suggest a communication model, will automatically complete the data referring to the client and the affected operation and, in case of electronic devices, will solve the delivery. Apia-Celeris will also allow the Debt Collectors Managers to negotiate and to enter the system paying agreements with their delinquents.
ApiaCeleris´ brochure (pdf) >>
Success case: debtors´ management (pdf) >>
User´s handbook >>