INISA joined the list of organizations that use ApiaDocumentum
Since June 2020, he has been able to create and exchange files with other State agencies thanks to the tool developed by STATUM.
The National Institute for Adolescent Social Inclusion (INISA) joined the list of organizations that use ApiaDocumentum, a program developed by STATUM to manage files, documents and workflows, supported electronically. As of June 2020, INISA is empowered to create and exchange files with other State agencies.
The solution implemented in INISA is based on the ApiaDocumentum 2.0 tool, which allows organizations to exchange and monitor files through the Digital Government Platform (PGE).
The system complies with requirements and protocols that guarantee the highest security standards and includes the possibility of signing documents through the Digital Signature.
With this new implementation, there are now 23 state agencies authorized to exchange files in digital format.
ApiaDocumentum is a solution designed to manage files, documents and workflows, supported electronically. Its objective is to eliminate paper support, improve the quality of the service and achieve transparency and democratization of information.
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